My decision to gain weight is grounded in a holistic approach to health. I understand that it involves not just increasing caloric intake but adopting a lifestyle that fosters muscle growth, strength, and overall vitality. This journey is not about indulgence or complacency; rather, it is about making informed choices to nurture my body and enhance my quality of life.

One way for people to start living a healthier lifestyle is by building a home gym. Ultimately, it offers convenient and speedy …

Cycling can be more than a fun childhood pastime or an eco-friendly way to run errands. In fact, there are tons of …

Stationary cycles are no longer exclusive to upscale spin studios; they are now a pretty ubiquitous type of exercise equipment. If that’s …

– Muhammad Ali

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” 

– Dana Vollmer

“The hard days are the best because that’s when champions are made, so if you push through, you can push through anything.” 

–Joe Mangianello

“You’re going to have to let it hurt. Let it suck. The harder you work, the better you will look. Your appearance isn’t parallel to how heavy you lift, it’s parallel to how hard you work.”